Monday, May 26, 2014


hi, i'm lauren.

i blog over here.
i love blogging about what's going on in my life...
but i needed an avenue to share my fitness journey.

this is going to be my journey.
i need some accountability.
my waistband keeps growing and my will-power keeps shrinking.

i want to be raw and honest here.

first things first, in the past month and a half, i've signed up for 4 fitness challenges and have spent a little bit of $$. and not even finished one week of any of those challenges.

i thought they would help. i thought i could do this. these past two weeks i wore myself out working, singing, working out too late and just not doing great self-care.

so this is where my real journey begins! finding what works for me.

in my last post, i wrote the good, the bad and the ugly.
the more i dwell on my weight and how unhealthy i am, the more defeated i feel.

so here i am. simply me, trying to be whole.
what will you see here:

  • my triumphs
  • my failures
  • my likes and dislikes
  • things that work
  • things that don't
  • complete honesty
what do you think? will you join me--- if you're on a journey to becoming whole, i'd love to follow along. we can cheerlead each other on! 

Monday, May 5, 2014

starting over

i've struggled with my weight my whole adult life. i didn't get the good metabolism genes. both of my siblings are slim and trim and i seem to gain fat like a magnet grabs metal.
every time, i say this is different, signing up for challenge after challenge and failing by day 2 because of being tired and burned out.
i wrote something a little while ago, and i think it's time to share and to do:
there is will or there is won't
there is do or there is don't
there is can or there is can't
trying isn't committing
there isn't an in-between
i want to be committed
i need to be committed
i am committed
it's that simple. i'm tired of feeling uncomfortable in my own skin.
i have a few hurdles and hard areas, but let's talk first about what's going for me.
  1. i have a great gym - it's basic (planet fitness), but has everything i need
  2. i love running
  3. once i start to work out the adrenaline gets pumping and I enjoy  it even when it’s hard
  4. eating clean is fun - i love creating new recipes
here are my stupid hurdles.
  1. after 2 days i am unable to keep working out.
  2. when it comes to HIIT's i'm unable to finish them
  3. i get embarrassed at the gym and sometimes leave early because i feel like i'm doing everything wrong
  4. as much as i love clean eating, i love junk food so much more
have you read my story before? is it you? 

the purpose of this blog is just for me to journal my fitness journey, share my failures, and celebrate my victories.